Application - Join the Oakmeade Prep and Academy Family

Applications are now open from 3 months to – Grade 8

Download and complete the application form below. Kindly gather all the supporting documents mentioned in the application form and return them to our school.

Email your completed form and supporting documents to Oakmeade Prep and Academy or drop them off in person with our administrators - Michelle Berry and Tayla De Freitas

Do you have any questions?

Better yet, come in & see us!

Please feel free to contact our school if you have any questions regarding our application process.


Message us on Whatsapp


Monday – Friday 07h00 – 15h00

Closed on Saturday & Sunday

Book a Tour / Enquire Now

Thank you for your interest in our School, we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to book a tour or make an enquiry using the form below.

Campaign 1 - Book a Tour / Enquiry Form